Friday, May 15, 2009

What are your rules for running your business?

Savor the Success - Vlog 37 from Savor the Success on Vimeo.

We joined Savor the Success a couple of months ago and haven't 
turned back since. Watching and learning from Angela has been
a driving force for us and hopefully it will be one for you also. 

When starting this biz..I was getting no support from anyone 
and my dh was saying, ok..when I see the money then I'll believe
this is going in the right direction. Well of course it's not going 
to be easy in the beginning..but I believe that when you have
the right people and the right team with the same philosophy..
how can you go wrong? 

Angela just finished her "Women Rock The World" for women
entrepreneurs event in New York City.. and I heard that it 
was a phenomenal event. For sure we're going to make the 
2010 Women Rock The World event.  Go here to join and 
read her success story on how this event took place!